A lasting gift

The refugees in Cisarua started an education movement. We were there. Your legacy can help us grow our community forever.


By leaving a gift to Cisarua Learning you can be part of the solution. Your bequest will go to the refugee community, funding building rents, stipends for refugee teachers and managers, and educational materials and helping us reach across borders to support those most in need. For more information or to discuss in confidence, email jolyon@cisarualearning.com or call 0476 452 408.

  • Sometimes called a ‘bequest’ – these are donations passed onto a beneficiary through a will or other estate planning document.

    It is a wonderful legacy and meaningful way to have a lasting impact on the lives of other.

  • There are several options to consider when making a bequest including:

    • A gift of money

    • Property

    • Land

    • Shares

    • Artwork or other item of value;

    • Or a residual bequest (the remainder of your estate after family and friends have been provided for and expenses in finalising your estate have been met)

  • Leaving a gift in your Will is no small action. While the process is simple, the impact is transformative.

    Example wording:

    “I give ($xx, a percentage of the residue of my estate, my property situated at and known as xxx) to Cisarua Learning (ABN xx xxx xxx xxx) for its general purposes. I declare that the receipt of the duly authorised officer of Cisarua Learning is an absolute discharge to my executor.”

  • Monthly Donation

    No matter how big or small, a regular donation helps stabilise our program funding.

  • Volunteer

    Help us grow, build connections and community, and bring change.

  • Contact

    Still unsure? Contact us directly and lets talk about how you can support our cause.