Building communities from the ground up

From humble beginnings

"This is the most successful refugee pre-resettlement program in the world”
– Dr Lucy Fiske

We started in a small two-room school with a $200 donation. Over the past 10 years we have had many achievements.

  • Built a complete education cycle, from early learning to internationally-accredited school leaving certificate including an online learning program.

  • When our students graduate they become teachers, managers and leaders in the community.

  • Over 50% of the leaders in our community are women.

  • We support the stipends of over 113 refugee volunteers.

  • Pay the building rent for 6 refugee-led initiatives in Indonesia and Thailand

  • Established and support a refugee-led coordination body for sharing resources and ideas, and encouraging further refugee-led initiatives.

  • We train refugees as paralegals, translators, and community workers and leaders.

  • We have facilitated and supported many hundreds of resettlement opportunities to Canada, Australia and the USA.

  • We co-ordinate a skilled refugee migration program to Australia in partnership with Talent Beyond Boundaries.

  • CRLC/Education

    In August of 2014 we established the first refugee-led school in Indonesia, the Cisarua Refugee Learning Centre.

  • Resettlement

    Resettlement is the ultimate durable solution for refugees. We prepare our community for the resettlement and work to create resettlement opportunities.

  • Psycho-social Support

    In the face of indefinite limbo we find ways to keep our community positive through friendship, activity and education.

  • Advocacy

    We work towards more humane policies for refugees through partnership, participation and storytelling. Refugees are part of the solution and we work to place our voice at the centre of the conversation.

  • Connecting Through Art

    We create photography and multimedia exhibitions, feature documentaries, live theatre and other presentations to connect refugees and non-refugees around the world.

  • The Staging Post

    The Staging Post is a real-life, real-time, multi-platform documentary about friendship, connection and the power of community at the Cisarua Learning Centre.


    We accompany our community for as long as they need. No matter how big or small, a regular donation helps stabilise our program funding.


    We welcome you to join over 150 refugee and non-refugee volunteers to help us grow, build connections and community, and bring change.


    Community is the heart of everything we do, and we love meeting new people. Stay connected by following our social media or joining our newsletter.


    Have a question or want to learn more? Contact us today and let’s have a chat.